Trumpet Daily

Hosted by Stephen Flurry

Trumpet Daily Radio Show brings you a deeper understanding of the Bible and how it connects to your world and your life right now. Trumpet Daily Radio Show is hosted by the executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and presenter of the Trumpet Daily television program, Stephen Flurry. Read More

Stephen Flurry brings you a wide-ranging variety of topics from British politics to American morality to the Middle Eastern balance of power to Asian economics to principles of living to Bible points of doctrine. Trumpet Daily Radio Show matches this diverse array of interests to the factors most affecting your life right now. The program focuses these topics through a single lens: the timeless perspective of the Holy Bible. Trumpet Daily Radio Show zeroes in on only the most important world news, events that often go under reported. It connects these rapidly unfolding developments to history and to end-time Bible prophecy.

Programs include: “Don’t Believe the Naysayers, Europe Will Unite,” “Shrugging Off the Demise of the U.S. and Britain,” “The New Russia-China Alliance” and “The Bible and the British Museum."

Trumpet Daily Radio Show records from Trumpet Daily facilities at Edstone in the United Kingdom.

The program is available on-demand at the Trumpet Daily website or the Trumpet Daily channel on YouTube. The program airs every morning at 11 a.m. (Central Time) on KPCG 101.3 FM in Edmond, Oklahoma.

#1388: 5,000 Sworn Affidavits and Now Video Tape of Voter Fraud

Aired Friday, December 4, 2020   ·   07:00 AM CST   ·   55 minutes
Download: MP3 (51.1 MB)

Show Notes

[02:00] Georgia Dumpster Fire (22 minutes)

Video footage corroborating witness accounts of illegal ballot stuffing in Fulton County, Georgia, was released yesterday by lawyers working on behalf of President Donald Trump. The details are so stunning that even Fox News is starting to pay attention.

[24:00] Nevada Lawsuit (5 minutes)

President Trump’s legal team is contesting tens of thousands of ballots in Nevada after researchers traced back ballots to deceased people, people registered with out-of-state addresses, and ballots that were “undeliverable” by the postal service but were somehow counted anyway.

[29:00] Biden Said What? (11 minutes)

Joe Biden said the quiet part out loud again in an interview last night when he said that if he and Kamala ever had a fundamental disagreement, he might come down with a “disease” and just resign. Another Freudian slip?

[38:30] Bible Study: Live by Every Word (18 minutes)

Do you hunger and thirst for God’s Word like you do for physical food? In this segment, I discuss how to live by every word of God.