#654: Who Is Behind Turkey’s Raid on Northern Syria?
Turkey is using German-made equipment to initiate its own offensives—and Germany appears willing to continue supplying it with weapons.
#653: Young Men: Grow Up and Learn How to Rule Well
The current generation is lagging behind when it comes to growing up.
#652: Be Fruitful, Multiply and Replenish the Earth
Many of the things mankind takes for granted, like marriage and family, were actually instituted by the great God for a divine purpose!
#651: 2018: A Year of Conflict for Europe
Conflict is brewing in Europe.
#650: A Generation Without Historical Memory
“A society without a sense of history is like an individual without memory.”
#649: January 16, the Fight for Mystery of the Ages and Honoring Herbert W. Armstrong
On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we remember the legacy of Mr. Armstrong and the history of the Philadelphia Church of God’s battle to print his works.
#648: Why the German Media Hates Donald Trump
The latest cover of Der Spiegel depicts the de-evolution of human beings ending with United States President Donald Trump.
#647: The Iranian Headache, the Tech Religion and a Word About Fathers
Since Iran broke out in protests in December last year, thousands of people have been arrested and some have been tortured and killed.
#646: What Happens When China Stops Buying U.S. Treasury Bonds?
The United States economy appears to be doing better than ever. That is a facade.
#645: Your Truth Won’t Set You Free
A growing trend in our society is to ignore objective facts for the more favorable view of your own subjective truth.