#624: Presidents and Their TV Preferences
Yesterday the New York Times printed an unflattering, 4,300-word profile of U.S. President Donald Trump’s love for cable news television, tweeting and dessert. The Times insists that this president only has the attention span of a “jack-rabbit.” So he’s forced to rely mainly on verbal meetings and Fox News to get most of his information. Of course, when Barack Obama watched television—and he watched a lot—it was always a much-needed break from a long, grueling day at the Oval Office. Trump does it because he’s shallow. That’s how the Times sees it. On today’s program, we look at the tv-viewing preferences of the past two U.S. presidents—as well as the other important stories of the day.
#623: God’s Passion for Jerusalem
The world is up in arms over U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jerusalem means “city of peace,” but history shows it has been rife with bloodshed and violence. Why does this ancient capital of Israel continue to make headline news? No city on Earth stirs God’s passions like Jerusalem does! Prophecy reveals that God has dazzling plans for this city in the near future. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we show that God shall yet choose Jerusalem.
#622: The Middle East Peace Process Sham
United States President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has triggered a hostile response from powers around the globe. Opponents are outraged at what they see as the end of the Middle East peace process. On today’s radio show, we ask: “What peace process?” The Palestinian Arabs have been offered land for peace and it failed. Palestinian authorities use international donations to pay the families of dead terrorists. And the logos of jihadist organizations like Hamas and Fatah have rifles pictured next to a map of Israel, which it calls Palestine. The goal of the Palestinian Arabs is not, nor ever has been, peace with Israel—it has always been the obliteration of Israel. That is why the decades-old “peace process” has never really existed.
#621: Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital—World Enraged
United States President Donald Trump is expected to announce this afternoon that the U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The president’s decision has been met with outrage in the Middle East and around the world. Commentators are saying this move effectively ends the peace process and will lead to violence and death. Jerusalem is about to ignite—yet again! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss how the latest round of fighting for Jerusalem is leading to the fulfillment of earthshaking prophecies and the establishment of this city as the eternal capital of God’s soon-coming Kingdom!
#620: America Is Heading for a Financial Crisis—So Watch Germany
All the signs point to a recession in America. The nation has never gone more than 10 years without one, and the last was eight years ago. On today’s show, theTrumpet.com assistant managing editor Richard Palmer shows why America is heading for a massive economic crisis. On the second half of the show, we look at the most important place in the world to watch after this crisis hits: Germany. This warning has been given by Herbert W. Armstrong, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry and, more recently, experts in geopolitics.
#619: Does America Have the Will to Kill the Enemy?
An article this week from the United States Naval Institute argues that America isn’t winning battles because it won’t kill more of the enemy. “The United States has been at war with radical Islamists four times longer than it was with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II. … It is time to kill a lot more of them,” the authors wrote. Bible prophecy says that in the end-time, America will have lost the will to destroy its enemies. That weakness and lack of pride is a result of the nation’s disobedience to God’s laws. America’s failed wars are the symptom of a deep problem in the nation—a problem we discuss on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.
#618: Merkel’s Last Stand, the UK’s Twitter War With Trump, and the Case for Colonialism
On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show we discuss:
The latest on the German coalition negotiations and Germany’s weakened political state; United States President Donald Trump’s tweet and the response from the British government; And the positive impact colonialism had on the world.#617: The Sexual Counterrevolution: How Did We Get Here?
With sex scandals being exposed almost daily, many commentators now say the United States is in the midst of a sexual counterrevolution. How did it come to this? And where are we headed? For answers to these questions, we turn to the one immutable source the educated elite has long since rejected: the Holy Bible. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain what happens when a society obliterates the biblical standard of good and evil and replaces it with value relativism.
#616: America Now Well Within Range of North Korean Nukes
North Korea broke out of its two-month lull yesterday in spectacular fashion—by launching its most advanced intercontinental ballistic missile to date. The missile reached a height of over 2,500 miles. Defense experts say that every American city is now in North Korea’s sights. North Korea is a serious threat to global security. Other terrorist states, like Iran, aren’t far behind in their nuclear development. These provocations should shock the world into action! Yet most people aren’t concerned about how to solve these problems! Bible prophecy tells us where this is leading. For more on this topic, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.
#615: Britain and the Royal Family Have Changed Dramatically This Year
Britain and America are abuzz over the news of the royal engagement. With the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the British royal family has finally entered the 21st century, according to one writer at the New York Times. The engagement appears to be one bright spot in a difficult year for Britain and its royal family. But can Meghan Markle rescue the monarchy in Britain? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the latest on the royal engagement and what it means for the future of the royal family and the United Kingdom.