#233: Germany’s Building an Empire Without Firing a Shot
For over seven decades we’ve forecast the rise of a German-led united states of Europe. Today, other analysts and news writers are beginning to see the same trend develop—and at an alarming pace. Germany’s ascent to the top of Europe came quickly after World War ii and now we’re witnessing the fulfilment of a dream shared by European leaders throughout the centuries: the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry explains what Bible prophecy says about Germany’s rising dominance in Europe.
#232: Can Donald Trump Save America From Economic Ruin?
Early on in the race for the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump said he was the man who would straighten out the financial mess in Washington, D.C. He believes he can save America the same way he did his own businesses: using bankruptcy laws, debt and deal making. It doesn’t take a deep examination to see Donald Trump’s solutions won’t rescue America’s economy. What is the solution? Listen to Stephen Flurry discuss this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.
#231: Did Jesus Christ Do Away With God’s Law?
Many assume that obedience to the Ten Commandments is not necessary today. Is this assumption biblical? Do true Christians need to keep the commandments? Jesus Christ came to magnify the law. During His ministry He enlarged God’s law. Jesus Himself kept God’s commandments and then told us to follow in his footsteps. If Christ set this example, why do those who claim to follow Him feel it isn’t necessary to keep the law? On today’s show, Stephen Flurry explains why Christ did not come to do away with the law.
#230: The Power of Beyoncé and Jay-Z
Beyoncé and Jay-Z are more than pop artists. They are global icons, wielding extraordinary cultural and political influence. What is their worldview? What are their goals and aspirations? How are they using their incredible power? In today’s program, Trumpet writer Brad Macdonald explores the terrifying power of Beyoncé and Jay-Z.
#229: DOJ Targets North Carolina Over Bathroom Law
The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against North Carolina’s governor over the state’s law regarding bathroom access. The Justice Department said the law, which requires people to use the bathroom according to their biological gender, “stigmatizes and singles out transgender employees, results in their isolation and exclusion, and perpetuates a sense that they are not worthy of equal treatment and respect.” There have already been incidents of abuse of the new laws in other states that allow people to use bathrooms according to their “gender identity.” These are the results of a society that has fully embraced moral relativism. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry explains what led up to the moral confusion we now see in the United States today.
#228: The Guardian of Truth in a World of Deception and Lies
In our busy and confusing world, the truth is hard to come by. It takes work to dig it out from beneath all the noise and clutter of mainstream stories. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses the one and only source that must be used to discern the truth.
#227: The White House Reality Show
“On the largest and smallest questions alike, the voice in which America speaks to the world is that of Ben Rhodes,” wrote the New York Times in a recent piece titled “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru.” This is the man behind the president’s speeches, and he is largely responsible for shaping the nation’s foreign policy. Rhodes is perhaps one of Obama’s most trusted advisers—they share the same worldview. Surprisingly though, Rhodes has almost no experience in foreign policy. His master’s degree is in creative writing. And that is the skill he and the president use most—shaping policy that sounds appealing but is actually misleading and not grounded in reality. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry digs into the deceptive foreign policy of the Obama administration.
#226: What Made America Great in the First Place?
“Make America great again” has been a popular slogan used during this year’s election season in the United States. Most use that slogan with the future in mind—thinking what they can do to make America great. However, very few people stop to ask: What made America great in the first place? The Bible is not silent on this subject. It actually tells the story of America’s ancestry—and its modern prophetic identity. As Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in The United States and Britain in Prophecy, this is the most fascinating and interesting story ever told! On today’s show, Stephen Flurry explains the source of America’s greatness.
#225: A Dark Time for America
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: These are the two candidates Americans will have to choose from when they go to vote for their president this fall. The choice is indicative of the sad state America is entering into. Both candidates and their followers think they are the solution that will make America great. In Dennis Prager’s latest article, he wrote that Trump and Clinton “are two reasons—of many, unfortunately—why, other than the first years of the Civil War, when the survival of the United States as one country was in jeopardy, there has never been a darker time in American history.” On today’s show, Stephen Flurry explains why America is falling so quickly and what it will take for America to really be great again.
#224: The Secret to Successful Aging
Western society views old age as a time to give up on learning new things. True Christians must be careful to avoid letting that myth affect them. There is never a time to stop growing spiritually. Christ said we must endure to the end and keep growing—especially late in life. With age, it can seem more appealing to take the easy road and get lazy when it comes to developing new habits. How can seniors avoid falling into this slump? What is the key to promoting continual growth? On today’s show, Stephen Flurry provides practical advice for seniors to help them continue growing during the later years.