Let the Stones Speak

Hosted by Brent Nagtegaal

Let the Stones Speak brings you archaeology from a biblical perspective. Host Brent Nagtegaal is on location in Jerusalem to give you the most important developments happening on the ground—and emerging from beneath it. Nagtegaal is a contributor for ArmstrongInstitute.org.

#40: Interview: The Moat of Ancient Jerusalem

Aired Wednesday, August 7, 2024   ·   03:19 AM CDT   ·   17 minutes

The Givati Parking Lot excavations at the northwestern edge of the City of David have upended our ideas about what ancient Jerusalem looked like. A sensational new discovery has revealed the city had a moat. Not one that contained water but rather a monumental artificial valley that separated the northern part of the city (the Ophel and Temple Mount) from the southern region (the City of David), serving as a distinguishing feature of the city during the days of the biblical kings.

On today’s program, host Christopher Eames interviews Givati Parking Lot excavations co-director Dr. Yiftah Shalev to find out the latest about this astonishing topographical feature being uncovered at the site.

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