Trumpet Bookshelf

Hosted by Grant Turgeon

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

#31: How to Prevent Sin

Aired Friday, April 5, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   20 minutes

Members of the Philadelphia Church of God are now cleaning out their homes and other possessions in preparation for the Days of Unleavened Bread. During this seven-day festival from April 20-26, leaven is a type of sin. Listen as host Grant Turgeon covers the late theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong’s article “How to Prevent Sin.” Learn where sin begins, and the decisive steps you can take to drive it out.

#30: The Ten Commandments—Part 5

Aired Friday, March 29, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   25 minutes

In the final episode about the Ten Commandments booklet, host Grant Turgeon discusses God’s laws against lying and coveting. Most people commit these sins every day, as evidenced by the mainstream media and by celebrities who flaunt their riches. Learn the fundamental cause of lying, and expose the hideous inventor of all lies. Discover the remedy for the society-killing disease of materialism.

#29: The Ten Commandments—Part 4

Aired Friday, March 22, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   24 minutes

Rebellious mankind frequently tramples on the Ten Commandments, but perhaps none more blatantly and perversely than the seventh and eighth. Most people on Earth regularly break God’s laws against the wrong uses of sex and against stealing in all its forms. The root cause of these broken laws is selfishness—a ceaseless lust for gratification, both sexual and material. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon summarizes chapters 7-8 of The Ten Commandments, a life-changing booklet available for free at Learn the benefits of applying the give way in all facets of life. Becoming a giver means becoming God.

#28: The Ten Commandments—Part 3

Aired Friday, March 15, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   26 minutes

Children who don’t grow up in a happy home with a God-fearing father and a nurturing mother are at a tremendous disadvantage. Far too often, the breakdown of God’s family structure leads to tragedies throughout society. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the vital fifth commandment—the bridge commandment connecting the laws regarding man’s relationship with God to the laws governing man’s conduct toward his fellow man. Learn how keeping this commandment directly relates to observing the sixth commandment against murder.

#27: The Ten Commandments—Part 2

Aired Friday, March 8, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   26 minutes

Does God care about the words we speak and the day we keep? Probably more than we know! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon explains the letter and the spirit of the third and fourth commandments. God delivered the Ten Commandments to ancient Israel in the perfect order. The third and fourth commandments build upon the first two and complete the subset of laws governing mankind’s relationship with God. Apply these laws to revolutionize your life for the better.

#26: The Ten Commandments—Part 1

Aired Friday, March 1, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   29 minutes

God’s spiritual laws for a happy life are just as real as the law of gravity. Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the first two commandments about whom and how to worship. You need the power of the everlasting God in your life. To get it, start by keeping these first two commandments.

#25: Is Specialized Talent God-Given?

Aired Friday, February 22, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   22 minutes

It’s too easy to make excuses: “I’m just not smart enough.” “I’ll never be good at this.” “I don’t have the talent.” Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers the late theologian and educator Herbert W. Armstrong’s reprint article “Is Specialized Talent God-Given?” Discover the value of daily effort. Learn how you can become talented in areas you never thought possible.

#24: Child Rearing With Vision—Part 5

Aired Friday, February 15, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   26 minutes

Child Rearing With Vision is a life-changing new book available for free at Listen as host Grant Turgeon interviews Just the Best Literature host Dennis Leap, who contributed mightily to the book.

#23: Child Rearing With Vision—Part 4

Aired Friday, February 8, 2019   ·   10:30 AM CST   ·   27 minutes

Your children will leave home one day. Parents are responsible for preparing children for that eventuality. The ultimate goal: preparing them to raise strong families like your own! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers Chapters 7 and 8 of Child Rearing With Vision, a free book available at Learn how to fill your children’s lives with wonderful experiences that will cause them to live and love God’s way forever.

#22: Child Rearing With Vision—Part 3

Aired Friday, January 25, 2019   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   24 minutes

Parents hold the highest physical leadership office on Earth! Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers chapters 5-6 of the new Child Rearing With Vision book. Learn about the top priority for parents raising 6-12-year-olds. Understand how to combat the manifold dangers and traps that Satan places in the paths of our teenagers. The more we grasp the God Family vision and impart it to our children, the better our results will be.