#215: Christ Murderers
King David mastered repentance. He saw that his sins required the death of Jesus Christ—as do all of our sins—and he determined to become a man after God’s own heart!
#214: How to Conquer Discouragement
God reveals the key to conquering discouragement. It is a particular vision that must fill your mind.
#213: The Loyal Warrior-Priest
True Christians must fight and hold fast like an ancient priest of Israel: Zadok.
#212: The Root of Terrorism
You can prove why radical Islamic terrorism exists today—and how it is mostly America’s fault!
#211: Warring Wills
The human will cannot produce spiritual character!
#210: The Big Lie
Big lies are surprisingly believable. History is proof. There is only one way to drive out all deception from your life.
#209: Vision and Law
These are the two vital ingredients for perfection.
#208: The Way of Death
Worldly scholarship is a ball of confusion that leads to death. Choose true education—choose life.
#207: Feast Rewind
God’s people around the world recently gathered for the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day to learn how to fear and obey Him.
#206: The Holy Day of Justice
The annual Day of Atonement pictures the devil finally being punished for all the suffering he has inflicted upon mankind.