Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

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Show Notes

  • North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japanese airspace. This provocative move could be just the impetus Japan needs to push its program of remilitarization to its next level.
  • Germany has brought back all its gold from France and the United States three years ahead of schedule. This has economists speculating about whether Germany is bracing for major economic upheaval.
  • Signs are increasing that Iran is putting fresh impetus into its designs on attacking the Jewish state of Israel and conquering Jerusalem.
  • We’ll also talk about Hurricane Harvey—the political return of Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg in Germany—evidence that the Antifa movement is working to ignite a civil war in America—an update on Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine—and how the “monuments must go” movement has spread to Australia, where people vandalizing statues of that nation’s historical heroes.
