#191: Leaving Points on the Field
Could you score more ‘points’ each day if you seized opportunities?
#189: Pray for Jerusalem
God’s Work in Jerusalem is making history!
#188: Building and Planting for God
God needs laborers to do His Work!
#187: The Profitable Servant
Two very encouraging parables in the Bible show us how to profitably serve in God’s Work.
#186: Flummoxing the Foe
Satan resists God’s Work with all his might. Learn how to infuriate your fiercest foe.
#185: A Roman Lake
Learn the one simple way to identify where Jesus Christ is working today.
#184: Endure Hardness
We all must do this as we support God’s Work.
#183: Code of Conduct
The Imperial Academy Code of Conduct helps God’s young people focus their lives on serving God’s Work.
#182: Repurpose Your Life
General Michael Flynn visited the campus last week and held several speaking engagements. In his public lecture, he repeatedly stressed a simple solution to America in crisis: Repurpose your life.