#208: A Land of Hope
Why purchase land in north Edmond, Oklahoma, and even more land farther north? What does this have to do with God's Work?
#207: God Is Whispering
Can you hear Him?
#206: There Can Only Be One
My God is God—and yours isn’t! That was the message of the Prophet Elijah—and the message of God’s Elijah Work today.
#205: High Morale!
Unlock the secret to high morale as you wage spiritual war each day.
#204: How to Be Great
It isn't as hard as you think.
#203: Solomon—Temple Builder
King Solomon built the most beautiful building of all time, yet it is nothing compared to the physical and spiritual building being done by God’s Work today!
#202: Your Spiritual Banquet
God’s Work provides an abundance of material to assist in your spiritual education. Time to feast!
#201: The Part of the Lay Member
Follow the directive of Mr. Flurry in the latest coworker letter: Review Mr. Armstrong’s “Part of the Lay Member” in his masterpiece, Mystery of the Ages.
#200: God’s Family Plan
The Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered exhibit in Armstrong Auditorium is beaming a marvelous message of hope for all mankind!
#199: Our Spiritual Fathers
The “Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered Exhibit” at Armstrong Auditorium features two clay seal impressions that don’t actually come from the time period of David and Solomon. However, these two artifacts are hugely relevant to those doing God’s Work today.