#725: God’s Work Is Waiting on You!
There is a divine plan being orchestrated on Earth and God will reveal that plan to those who are willing to be taught.
#724: Who Investigates the Investigators?
The FBI is behaving like an independent entity that answers to no one. And President Donald Trump’s enemies are quite alright with this assault on civil liberties because it’s aimed at Mr. Trump.
#723: What If Hillary Clinton Had Won?
Other prominent officials of the Obama Department of Justice acted carelessly and, in many cases, lawlessly, because they figured Clinton would win the presidency. Consider how much we would not know about what was happening if she had won.
#722: Where the ‘Unbearable Complacency of Angela Merkel’ Is Leading
Germany’s government is refusing to face the national crisis. Observers can see this is building to an explosion. But what comes after the explosion?
#721: Iran Lied to Complete the Nuke Deal—So Did the Obama Administration
Iran lied—as did the Obama administration—in order to sell the deal to the American public.
#720: Is It Time to Change the Name of George Washington University?
When Robert E. Lee statues started coming down around the United States, President Donald Trump asked where do we draw the line? Are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson next?
#717: #Resistance: Incrementally Normalizing Politically Motivated Violence
Just how far is the resistance movement willing to go if it really believes President Trump is like Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler? Is violence the next step?
#716: God Had a Hand in the Hubble Space Telescope
God explains why the universe exists and the Hubble telescope helps declare that answer in a powerful way!