#715: Media Still Trying to Explain Hillary’s 2016 Loss
On a recent roundtable discussion, a group of reporters moderated by George Stephanopoulos determined that the media being too hard on Clinton and too soft on Trump contributed to Trump winning the presidency.
#714: The Media Fixation With What Is Unlikely but Possible
The media have become fixated with Comey’s “stunning” revelation that President Donald Trump could be compromised by the Russians.
#713: Sea Gates: A Deadly Threat to U.S. Power
China is gobbling up sea gates and boosting its naval power rapidly.
#712: A Swamp Full of Colluders and Conflicts of Interest
As it turns out, Mr. Trump’s victory in the presidential election exposed the media and the previous administration for being guilty of the very same scandalous behavior they accuse others of!
#711: Comey’s Higher Loyalty Was to Barack Obama
Comey’s new book, A Higher Loyalty, is supposed to be about his impartiality and respect for law. In his interview, Comey revealed where his loyalties really are. The “non-partisan” FBI director told outgoing President Obama “how much I’m going to miss you,” and then told him that he dreaded the “next four years.”
#710: Comey and the Media Swing Wildly at Trump, Hoping to Land a Punch
Former FBI director James Comey is releasing his tell-all book this week. And the left-wing media—the same ones who wanted him fired 18 months ago—are now holding him high as a star witness against President Donald Trump.
#709: Jewish Flight and What the Bible Actually Says About Male Disengagement
Are Jews safe in Europe? British journalist Melanie Phillips held a public lecture in London on April 12, where she addressed the dire threats facing Jews in the West and around the world. She exposed the threat of widespread anti-Semitism.
#708: Ignorance About Auschwitz, the Hamas Playbook and San Francisco Homeless Encampments
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. A recent survey discovered that over 40 percent of Americans don’t know what Auschwitz was. The ignorance is even worse among millennials. I discuss this on today’s show, as well as a number of other topics, including the latest on the Hamas-organized protests in Gaza and the scourge of homelessness in San Francisco.
#707: The War Against Donald Trump and the U.S. Constitution
It seems that anything targeted at Mr. Trump, no matter how factual or lawful, scores big points for the media. But very few people are sounding the alarm about just how dangerous that raid is for America and the rule of law.
#706: Robert Mueller’s Witch Hunt
The Cohen raid has effectively extended Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation into an area outside his jurisdiction.