Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#776: Week in Review: Ukraine War Escalates One Year On, No End in Sight

Aired Friday, February 24, 2023   ·   12:00 PM CST   ·   55 minutes
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Show Notes

  • It was one year ago today that Russia invaded Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is passing the one-year anniversary by pledging greater resolve to escalate the war as much as necessary for victory.
  • The latest report from the International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran is right on the cusp of achieving weapons-grade uranium enrichment.
  • While Joe Biden was visiting Kyiv and pledging more money to Ukrainians, Donald Trump visited the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, the site of a massive chemical explosion. It was another sign of Trump’s rising political fortunes.
  • We also talk about Russia and Iran being excluded from this year’s Munich Security Conference, China contemplating increased aid to Russia in its Ukraine war, Germany’s new defense minister quickly becoming the country’s most popular politician, Iraq moving away from trading in dollars, and China being accused of “intentionally poisoning” Americans with fentanyl.
