Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#777: United Against the Dollar

Aired Wednesday, March 1, 2023   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   58 minutes
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Show Notes

  • A global war is underway, with more and more nations joining forces to try to topple the United States dollar. As this effort gains momentum, it has sobering implications for America’s longtime dominance in international finance.
  • Vast numbers of people regularly escape into activities, like use of cannabis and pornography, that they view as mostly harmless since so many people are engaging in them. But using these kinds of things is deeply problematic and can open the gate to even more severe troubles.
  • Growing numbers of climate crusaders are calling for national governments to tightly restrict virtually all aspects of human activity. They demand that more and more radical measures be implemented, including measures that are not supported by sound science.
  • We also discuss an unprecedented decision that the American government made on this day in history back in 1872, which has enriched life for millions of people, and which has implications for us all, even today.
