#85: God’s Creative Masterpiece Is You!
What God is doing in the life of His people is the masterpiece of His creative powers! And we have a part to play in the process.
#84: God Creates in Dual Stages
God is the Creator and the Bible reveals that there is a duality in God's creative process.
#83: God Is Creating In Our Lives
God is Creator and is creating in the lives of His people today!
#82: What Is Man?
What is mankind's potential? And how does Satan work to destroy that potential?
#81: Developing God's Character
Mankind was created to think and act just like God. What is God's character like?
#80: God Is a Mystery to This World
God is a mystery to this world? Do you know the true God?
#79: The Prophesied Kings of the East
Your Bible prophesies of a 200 million man army soon to be unleashed on this earth! What will they do?
#78: The King of the South in Bible Prophecy
Daniel 11 gives specific prophecies about the King of the South, who is rising in power right now!
#77: The Final Revival of the Beast of Revelation 17
Prophecy reveals that the last, or 10th, horn of the church-dominated “Holy” Roman Empire is now forming in Europe!
#76: Identifying the King of the North
The Bible reveals the identity of the King of the North. This power bloc will cause great destruction in the near future!