Live by Every Word

Hosted by Brian Davis and Dwight Falk

Jesus Christ Himself stated that man should live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. He also said that God’s Word is truth! But what are those words? Who understands those words? And how can anyone live by every word of God if he doesn’t first know what those words are? In each program, hosts Brian Davis and Dwight Falk will examine the Bible’s doctrines and instructions on Christian living in order to help listeners understand how they can better live by every word.

#78: The King of the South in Bible Prophecy

Aired Monday, December 10, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   18 minutes

Daniel 11 gives specific prophecies about the King of the South, who is rising in power right now!

#77: The Final Revival of the Beast of Revelation 17

Aired Monday, December 3, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   23 minutes

Prophecy reveals that the last, or 10th, horn of the church-dominated “Holy” Roman Empire is now forming in Europe!

#76: Identifying the King of the North

Aired Monday, November 26, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   32 minutes

The Bible reveals the identity of the King of the North. This power bloc will cause great destruction in the near future!

#75: God's Prophecies For The Last Days

Aired Monday, November 19, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   20 minutes

God revealed what the last days would be like and showed that many of His prophecies would not be understood until these last days.

#74: The Missing Dimension in Bible Prophecy

Aired Monday, November 12, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   23 minutes

Do you know what the missing dimension in Bible prophecy is?

#73: Seven Keys to Bible Study

Aired Monday, November 5, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CST   ·   21 minutes

Here are seven keys that will unlock your Bible!

#72: Methods For Studying the Bible

Aired Monday, October 29, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   25 minutes

Bible study is so important to us because it affords a fascinating opportunity to enrich our lives. It will improve and enhance the quality and value of our lives.

#71: Benefits of Bible Study

Aired Monday, October 22, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   34 minutes

God speaks to us through His Word. As the evils in this world abound and proliferate, we need more than ever to be taught, encouraged, directed and corrected by our loving Father.

#70: Why the Bible Is Misunderstood

Aired Monday, October 15, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   24 minutes

Though inspired by God, the Bible is the most misunderstood book in history—the most twisted, distorted, misrepresented, maligned and lied about. Why?

#69: Archaeology and Science Back Up the Bible

Aired Monday, October 8, 2018   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   32 minutes

The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge. Recent archaeological finds and scientific discoveries prove the Bible true.