Behind the Work

Hosted by Grant Turgeon

God’s Work today is backed by a spiritual family of approximately 5,000 Philadelphia Church of God members and many more thousands of co-workers. The primary focus of a true Christian’s life is to contribute to the Work in any way possible, in the process preparing to teach the entire world in the near future. Tune in each Monday at 12 p.m. Central time for a behind-the-scenes look at the vibrant and exciting Work of the living God through interviews, feature stories, updates and statistical rundowns. With the help of the Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, you will also learn how the Work of God today relates to the spectacular, miraculous, five-decade work of the end-time Elijah.

#24: How God’s Work Depends on You—Part 3

Aired Monday, July 15, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   21 minutes

There are so many ways to turn supporting God’s Work into a full-time job, even if you aren’t a paid employee of the Philadelphia Church of God. Learn about two more ways to serve wholeheartedly, and hear a report from our chief field correspondent.

#23: How God’s Work Depends on You—Part 2

Aired Monday, July 8, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   25 minutes

God’s Work could be done by God alone—but He wants to work with you! Learn two more ways that you can be a full-time laborer in God’s Work.

#22: How God’s Work Depends on You—Part 1

Aired Monday, July 1, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   24 minutes

God’s Work is a worldwide enterprise—not just an Oklahoma endeavor. No matter where you live, you can have a stunning impact on the work every day. Listen as host Grant Turgeon describes how much God values your contributions, and learn more about your number one responsibility as a full-time servant of God.

#21: Fathers and God’s Work

Aired Monday, June 17, 2019   ·   01:27 PM CDT   ·   23 minutes

Yesterday, millions of people celebrated Father’s Day. There’s a direct connection between physical fathers, God the Father and God’s Work. Listen as host Grant Turgeon emphasizes the three vital responsibilities of fathers, and how society suffers in their absence.

#20: To the Class of 2019

Aired Monday, May 20, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   27 minutes

Thirty-two Herbert W. Armstrong College students graduated yesterday. Listen as host Grant Turgeon encourages them to continue living the abundant, hectic, disciplined, scheduled, busy, regimented life that leads to true and lasting freedom.

#19: Mothers and God’s Work

Aired Monday, May 13, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   14 minutes

This past Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. Learn why mothers are vital to God’s Work. You will also hear updates about Jerusalem, Zimbabwe, and the concert series.

#18: Camp for a Better Future

Aired Monday, May 6, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   19 minutes

Teenagers in the Philadelphia Church of God are receiving acceptance letters to Philadelphia Youth Camp this summer. Learn what God’s end-time apostles have said about this life-changing institution.

#17: Passover Humility

Aired Monday, April 15, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   23 minutes

This week, baptized members of the Philadelphia Church of God from around the world are preparing to keep the Passover. This solemn observance memorializes the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Learn how Passover—and all seven of God’s annual festivals—relates to God’s Work. Understand why you need Passover humility before keeping the other six.

#16: Spokesman Club and God’s Work

Aired Monday, April 8, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   18 minutes

The Edmond Graduate Spokesman Club held its Ladies Night last night. Listen as host Grant Turgeon explains how Spokesman Club is a formidable force in God’s Work. Hear about Philadelphia Church of God Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s experiences with Club—and how Club is a big reason why he is God’s apostle today.

#15: Portland Campaign: Inspiration and Hilarity

Aired Monday, April 1, 2019   ·   11:30 AM CDT   ·   22 minutes

Philadelphia Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry hosted a two-day personal appearance campaign in Portland, Oregon, last week. Listen as host Grant Turgeon recaps the productive event and takes you behind the scenes in the city where God’s Work in the Philadelphia era began. But your gregarious host won’t be the only one telling the story. Hear directly from several campaign attendees—and Mr. Flurry himself.