#328: God's Special Training School
True Christians are now in training for essential positions in God’s soon-coming government.
#327: The Great Difference Between ‘Begotten’ and ‘Born’
When is someone born again?
#326: Made After the God Kind
In God’s pattern for physical life, like reproduces like. And just as each plant or animal reproduces after its own kind, so humans reproduce humans. But unlike any of the animals, man was created in God’s likeness.
#325: Is World Government Possible?
Is world government impossible—an idle pipe dream of unrealistic optimists? Is the idea of a soon-coming UTOPIA on Earth merely an absurd myth?
#324: Use God's Holy Spirit
God has given His people the power to fulfill their responsibilities!
#323: Called-Out-Ones
Those called into the Church were called not merely for salvation and eternal life, but to learn the way of God’s government and develop the divine character during this mortal life in the Church age.
#322: What Is a Teachable Attitude?
What kind of an attitude is God looking for in an individual? Do you have this needed attitude?
#320: Why Bible Study
Why is it so important to study the Bible?
#319: Teachers of Righteousness
Think of the awesome demand for teachers there will be in a very few years.