#305: Hope in God's Plan
How exciting that Jesus Himself said that when we would see all the events He foretold taking place, He would come again!
#304: How to Have Peace
Men since the beginning of time have sought peace.
#303: What Is Meditation?
God tells us to meditate. But what is meditation?
#302: Daily Bible Study
The Bible is God's instruction book for mankind.
#301: Christ Teaches Us How to Pray
"After this manner therefore pray ..."
#300: Keep the Feast of Tabernacles
The Feast of Tabernacles lasts a full seven days. Jesus Christ kept it and so should we.
#299: What Is the Greatest Obstacle to World Peace?
When Christ returns to Earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, He will take over the supreme government over this world and depose Satan the devil! This world will then have peace at last.
#298: The Law of Cause and Effect
There is a cause for every effect.
#297: Christ's Return Is at the Doors
Unless Jesus Christ returns to Earth to restore the government of God and put an end to warfare, not a single human being will be left alive!
#296: Why Satan Hates Family
Why is there a violent assault on children, marriage and family today?