#25: The Doctrine of Eternal Judgment
Just what is this foundational doctrine of ‘eternal judgment’ all about? This doctrine seems to really get people’s attention and scares them. Most people think of it as something very negative! Is it? Does it happen all at one moment – or is there an appropriate amount of time given for a proper judgment to even be rendered? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to learn about this foundational doctrine.
#24: The Resurrection of the Dead
One of the foundational doctrines of God’s church listed in Hebrews 6:1-2 is the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Yet, most people believe that man is or has an immortal soul that cannot die. Think of this – if one cannot die, how can one be resurrected? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis and you’ll see that the truth concerning this doctrine will give you REAL HOPE and REAL COMFORT as only God’s Word can.
#23: Will You Go To Heaven?
Most people have a mental image of what heaven is like. And, most people believe that going to heaven is the very hope and the very goal of life. What do you know about heaven? Do you know what the Bible says about whether or not heaven is indeed the reward of the saved? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis in order to learn the answers to these important questions.
#22: What Is the Kingdom of God?
Is the Kingdom of God a pretty platitude? Is it an ethereal matter confined to the hearts of men? Is it a nice sentiment, but in reality it is
an unreal nothing? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to make sure that you know the truth about the Kingdom of God.
#21: What Is True Conversion?
Does joining a Christian Church make one a truly converted Christian? Many people believe that is the case. But, is it really as simple as just signing your name onto the books of a church roster or making a statement or two that makes one a Christian? What, in fact, is true conversion? Don’t answer too soon! Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to understand this subject more clearly.
#20: The Laying on of Hands
The Laying on of Hands is one of the foundational doctrines of God’s Church and it is spoken of throughout the Holy Bible. Yet, millions have never heard of it. Even those who have usually don’t understand it’s meaning or why and when it should be applied. Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to learn about this very important symbolic act.
#19: True Repentance
Lots of people talk about repentance. But, what is true repentance? Who is repentance toward and what do we repent of? Repentance is far more than merely being sorry for something one has done. Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis because it’s essential to learn the answers to these most important questions.
#18: God’s Instructions on Baptism
Water baptism is required in order to receive salvation. In fact, Christ commanded it and even He was baptized, setting an example that we should follow. Also, there is a proper method that must be followed and there are certain conditions that must be met first in order to be properly baptized. Do you know what that method is and what those conditions are? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to learn about this most important ordinance.
#17: You Must be Born Again
Jesus Christ said that "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." What did Christ mean? Can a man enter a second time into his mother's womb? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis because you must be born again or you have no eternal future.
#16: God Is A Family
God is a Family, currently composed of Two Great Personages—The Father and The Son. And did you know that YOU also can be born into that Divine Family? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to see if these statements can actually be proven from your own Bible!