Live by Every Word

Hosted by Brian Davis and Dwight Falk

Jesus Christ Himself stated that man should live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. He also said that God’s Word is truth! But what are those words? Who understands those words? And how can anyone live by every word of God if he doesn’t first know what those words are? In each program, hosts Brian Davis and Dwight Falk will examine the Bible’s doctrines and instructions on Christian living in order to help listeners understand how they can better live by every word.

#15: The Holy Spirit is the Power of God

Aired Tuesday, December 8, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   28 minutes

If the Holy Spirit is not a third personage within a trinity, what is it? Most cannot answer this vital question. Does the Bible give us the answer? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis and see what the Bible actually has to say about the Holy Spirit!

#14: The Trinity Doctrine

Aired Tuesday, December 1, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   27 minutes

What is the nature of God? Is God a trinity—as most professing Christians believe? Does the Bible teach the trinity doctrine? Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis and you’ll see that not only does the Bible not mention the Trinity once, but that its plain teachings easily disprove it.

#13: Grace, Law, and Salvation: Part 3

Aired Tuesday, November 24, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   31 minutes

What exactly is grace? Are you sure you know the answer? There are many that are deceived about this subject. Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to make sure that you are not one of those that are deceived.

#12: Grace, Law, and Salvation: Part 2

Aired Tuesday, November 17, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   26 minutes

The Bible is clear that we are saved by grace, through faith. But did you know that faith without works is dead? Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis as we continue our study into the subjects of grace, law, and salvation.

#11: Grace, Law, and Salvation: Part 1

Aired Tuesday, November 10, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   28 minutes

Did Jesus Christ do away with the law? Are we to live on the "other side of the cross?" Are Christians saved by faith without obedience to God's law? Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to hear the inspiring answers to these questions.

#10: The Authority of the Bible: Part 2

Aired Tuesday, November 3, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   30 minutes

In addition to science, history, and archaeology, there is another irrefutable proof that the Bible speaks with authority. Fulfilled Bible prophecy is proof of God Almighty's supreme authority. Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to see for yourself how prophecy proves the Bible to be true.

#9: The Authority of the Bible: Part 1

Aired Tuesday, October 27, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   31 minutes

The Bible is an astonishing book. It was penned over a period of 1600 years, by 40 different writers. But does it speak with any authority? Can you prove that the Bible speaks with Divine authority? Tune in to this episode of Live by Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to begin looking at the proof of the Bible.

#8: Does God Exist?

Aired Tuesday, October 20, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   31 minutes

Does God really exist? That’s a fair question – and one that needs to be answered! Millions of people do not believe in God. Millions of others do believe in a God – usually one of their own imaginations. But, can you prove it one way or the other? In a world so confused about this question, how can YOU be completely sure? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to hear the answer to this vital question.

#7: The Spirit in Man

Aired Tuesday, October 13, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   27 minutes

The idea that the soul continues after death is pure speculation and is nowhere taught in scripture! Where did this philosophy originate? And, what about the spirit in man? What is it? Is it immortal? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis to hear the answers to these vital questions!

#6: Man Is Mortal

Aired Tuesday, October 6, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   28 minutes

Nearly every society of man has, in some form or another, believed that man essentially is a spiritual being that goes right on living after death – that he is an invisible, immaterial, immortal soul that thinks, that hears, that sees and that will live on consciously forever. Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by Brian Davis and we’ll see what your Bible has to say about this subject!