Show Notes
Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on October 2, 2019.
[01:57] Creeping Authoritarianism (7 minutes)
This week, Communist China celebrates its 70th anniversary. China’s neighbors, however, are not celebrating the creeping authoritarianism of the Communist behemoth.
[08:54] Investigating How the Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation Began (27 minutes)
United States Attorney General William Barr is delving headfirst into the treacherous origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation. The more he digs, the more desperate the radical left becomes in trying to avoid being exposed.
[36:17] Fulfilling the Royal Law (18 minutes)
In this segment, we conclude our series on God’s royal law. What are some practical steps we can take in doing God’s will and fulfilling His royal law?