Show Notes
[00:30] Killing the Most Vulnerable (44 minutes)
It’s well known that COVID-19’s lethality is most prevalent among the elderly, especially those who have underlying health conditions. That would mean protecting nursing homes should be a top priority. In the early weeks of the outbreak, many nursing homes took their own precautions to quarantine and send sick residents to the hospital. In New York, however, that stopped on March 25 when Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a mandate requiring nursing homes to accept recovering coronavirus patients from hospitals, even if they were still contagious. A similar story played out in Italy, and it may explain why the death tolls in these areas are so high.
[45:00] The Blame Game (10 minutes)
If we are to believe Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, had they been able to remove President Donald Trump in February, this whole pandemic could have been avoided. Schiff said earlier this week that President Trump is largely responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.