Trumpet Daily

Hosted by Stephen Flurry

Trumpet Daily Radio Show brings you a deeper understanding of the Bible and how it connects to your world and your life right now. Trumpet Daily Radio Show is hosted by the executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and presenter of the Trumpet Daily television program, Stephen Flurry. Read More

Stephen Flurry brings you a wide-ranging variety of topics from British politics to American morality to the Middle Eastern balance of power to Asian economics to principles of living to Bible points of doctrine. Trumpet Daily Radio Show matches this diverse array of interests to the factors most affecting your life right now. The program focuses these topics through a single lens: the timeless perspective of the Holy Bible. Trumpet Daily Radio Show zeroes in on only the most important world news, events that often go under reported. It connects these rapidly unfolding developments to history and to end-time Bible prophecy.

Programs include: “Don’t Believe the Naysayers, Europe Will Unite,” “Shrugging Off the Demise of the U.S. and Britain,” “The New Russia-China Alliance” and “The Bible and the British Museum."

Trumpet Daily Radio Show records from Trumpet Daily facilities at Edstone in the United Kingdom.

The program is available on-demand at the Trumpet Daily website or the Trumpet Daily channel on YouTube. The program airs every morning at 11 a.m. (Central Time) on KPCG 101.3 FM in Edmond, Oklahoma.

#1322: The Dems Last Hope: Steal the Election

Aired Thursday, September 3, 2020   ·   07:00 AM CDT   ·   56 minutes
Download: MP3 (51.3 MB)

Show Notes

[00:30] The Red Mirage (17 minutes)

The Democrats will do anything except concede a loss come this November’s presidential election. Analysts are now preparing for President Donald Trump to win big on election night, but then lose the election once all the mail-in ballots are counted. Prepare for chaos!

[17:15] Australia’s Fascist Lockdown (11 minutes)

In the Australian state of Victoria, police arrested a pregnant woman in pajamas in her home, in front of her children, for a post she made on Facebook in favor of a lockdown protest. In June, the same police force allowed tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters to flood the streets of Melbourne despite the fact that it was an illegal gathering.

[28:00] Salongate (10 minute)

Due to coronavirus restrictions, it is illegal In San Francisco to open a hair salon. The rules are strictly enforced. Salons are going out of business and thousands of people can’t get their hair done. This week, 80-year-old Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi flouted the lockdown rules to secretly meet with a hair stylist in a San Francisco salon. She went without a mask as well.

[39:15] Ruining Sports (15 minutes)

The woke mob in America is ruining professional sports. In this segment, I talk about the value of sports and important lessons we can learn from participating in them.