Show Notes
[00:30] No Hope in Man (28 minutes)
2020 has been a year of crises that have exposed man’s utter inability to rule. Look at the United Kingdom for one example. After already imposing a strict, economically devastating lockdown in the spring, the nation’s leaders are ready to have another one. Why haven’t they learned from their mistakes? What happens when the damage to the economy finally sets in? This year has demonstrated like no other that there is no hope in man. In this segment, I talk about where we should put our hope.
[28:30] Middle East and Europe (27 minutes)
European nations are becoming more active in the Middle East. France has been especially open about playing a bigger role in places like Lebanon. Bible prophecy forecasts that Europe will play a big role in the Middle East in the coming years. In this segment, I discuss some recent stories about how these prophecies are being fulfilled.