Show Notes
[02:30] Hunter Biden (10 minutes)
The media is totally disinterested in the latest corruption allegations against Hunter Biden, who made millions off of his father’s influence as vice president. It’s the latest story that reveals the media are more concerned about stopping President Donald Trump than about reporting the truth.
[12:00] UK Lockdown Madness (8 minutes)
The United Kingdom barely staggered through phase one of the pandemic lockdown. Now the experts are calling for a second lockdown. The madness continues.
[20:30] FBI Text Messages (15 minutes)
Recently disclosed text messages between FBI agents handling the investigation into Michael Flynn reveal that low-rung agents were concerned about the validity of the investigation. Agents called the investigation a “road show” and a “nightmare,” and said that “the whole thing is pretty ugly.” Others said that when the higher-ups at the FBI decided to keep the investigation open that they were “scrambling for info to support things” and that it was like a “mad house.” Some agents even purchased liability insurance so they couldn’t be sued for running the sham investigation! Why didn’t any whistleblowers came forward at the time? Why are we learning about this four years later?
[35:20] Bible Study: New Government (20 minutes)
The year 2020 has revealed, like no other year in recent memory, man’s total inability to lead fellow man. If man’s governments continually fail, what other option is there?