Show Notes
[00:30] How Many Witnesses Does the Media Need? (10 minutes)
There have been hundreds of signed affidavits from individuals who say they witnessed illegal activity in this year’s presidential election. And yet, like trained seals, the legacy media maintains there has been no substantial evidence to support voter fraud. A year ago, it took just one whistleblower complaint to nearly take down the president of the United States! This time around, no amount of evidence of fraud is worth reporting.
[10:30] What Is Bill Barr Up To? (5 minutes)
The Associated Press released a few short excerpts from an interview with Attorney General Bill Barr. The money quote the media are hyperventilating over was this: “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” The AP hasn’t released the full interview, but that hasn’t kept the media from blowing this story out of context. Already spokespersons from the Department of Justice are disputing the way Mr. Barr’s comments are being portrayed by the media.
[15:45] The Machines (20 minutes)
Hundreds of witnesses are coming forward in hearings to present their stories about how the voter fraud machines in America’s major cities operate. To date, nobody in the mainstream media seems to care. Daniel Horowitz wrote this week that “the suggestion that we should somehow move on from this is a greater threat to democracy than anything in our history.”
[40:30] A Big Work With a Small Following (15 minutes)
In this segment, I talk about the work of the ancient prophets Elijah and Elisha. These two figures are featured prominently in the Bible, but their following was relatively small. The important thing is not the size of the following, but the message that is being declared!