Show Notes
[00:30] McConnell Surrenders (16 minutes)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell congratulated Vide President Joe Biden on “winning” the election yesterday. McConnell is one of many Republicans to give up on President Donald Trump. President Trump is the reason many Republicans have done so well in recent elections. So why are establishment Republicans abandoning him so fast?
[17:00] Mitt Romney (18 minutes)
Republican-in-name-only Mitt Romney said yesterday that President Trump is damaging democracy and America’s image around the world by contesting the November 3 election.
[36:00] Bible Study: The Faith to Be Resurrected (17 minutes)
Are you developing and strengthening your faith during these trying times? In this segment, I talk about how God expects us to walk by faith.
[53:00] Listener Feedback (3 minutes)