Show Notes
[00:30] Double-Jab Coercion (35 minutes)
COVID-19 is supposed to be the worst pandemic in at least 100 years! Yet half of Americans are wary of the drug that would supposedly stop the pandemic. Why? Could it be because that for many people with no underlying conditions, the side effects of the vaccine are worse than COVID-19? Could it be because there have been more reports of serious illness following the COVID-19 vaccine than there have been for all vaccines combined over the last 20 years? Maybe it’s because the medical community overwhelmingly refuses to discuss these risks? Politicians in some states are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to bribe people to get vaccinated.
[36:00] Bible Study: Isaiah 9 (20 minutes)
Isaiah 9 discusses Jesus Christ’s eternal rule over Earth. His return and coming rule are the only hope for mankind. Historically, however, traditional Christianity has rejected Christ as King and dismissed the prophecies He delivered about His own return to rule the Earth!