Trumpet World

Hosted by Richard Palmer

Trumpet World dives into the critical news events that leap from the pages of your Bible. Its focus is global—predominantly the urgent prophecies being fulfilled outside the United States. Each Friday, we’ll bring you a rundown of the world’s most important stories. On Wednesdays, we’ll dive deeper into the stories that matter. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news with Bible prophecy.

#6: Week in Review: The EU vs. Elon Musk, Ukraine vs. Germany and Iran vs. the World

Aired Friday, August 16, 2024   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   46 minutes
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Show Notes

Elon Musk’s fight with the European Union, Ukraine’s invasion of Russia, the truth about the Nord Stream pipeline and other top news from around the world is featured on our weekly roundup of news events.

[00:35] Who Do EU Think You Are?

Elon Musk interviewed President Donald Trump this weekend. The left in America and officials in Europe were livid. Their attempts to shut down discussion expose a lot about their world view.

The EU’s War on Free Speech
America Under Attack
America’s Supreme Court Has Fulfilled Bible Prophecy

[16:00] Ukraine Invades Russia

Ukraine continues to conquer an impressive amount of Russian territory. How will Russian President Vladimir Putin respond? Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal claims Ukraine sabotaged the Nord Stream ii pipeline. If that is true, how will Germany respond?

The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’
Germany’s Secret Deal With Russia Exposed

[32:00] Iran Builds Nuclear Triggers

Iran continues to move toward a nuclear bomb. Will it succeed in starting nuclear World War iii?

The King of the South

[38:] A Tale of Two Deficits

Once again, Germany’s coalition is on the brink of collapse—this time over a relatively small amount of money. Will their government fall? And is there any benefit to their obsessive attention to their deficit?

A Strong German Leader Is Imminent
Why the Trumpet Watches America’s Economic Collapse