Watch Jerusalem

Hosted by Brent Nagtegaal

Watch Jerusalem brings you news and archaeology from a biblical perspective. Host Brent Nagtegaal is on location in Jerusalem to give you the most important developments happening on the ground—and emerging from beneath it. Nagtegaal is a contributor for

#152: Denmark: The ‘Lost’ Tribe of Dan?

Aired Sunday, May 31, 2020   ·   10:00 AM CDT   ·   49 minutes

In an earlier podcast, we identified the Irish as the modern-day descendants of the tribe of Dan. But anciently, Dan was split into two distinct parts: A western tribe, that migrated to Ireland c. 3,000 years ago; and a northern tribe, that was taken captive by the Assyrians and migrated into the European continent with the other Israelite tribes. These northern Danites are represented by the modern-day nation of Denmark (Danish: Danmark).

On today’s program, host Christopher Eames examines the evidence for identifying modern-day Denmark with the tribe of Dan. He also examines some of the evidence for the modern identity of the tribe of Issachar.

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