#49: Just How Ancient are the Prophets?
It is a massive debate between the biblical minimalists and traditionalists. Just when was the Bible written? On the one hand, there are those that claim it was written just when it says—the traditionalists; and on the other, there are the those who claim it was written hundreds, if not a thousand years, later—the minimalists. Can we know? On today’s program, guest host Christopher Eames continues his series examining that question, in light of archaeological and textual evidence, with the second division of the Hebrew Bible—the Prophets.
Show Notes
The Antiquity of the Scriptures: The Prophets - watchjerusalem.co.il/2017/11/26/the…-the-prophets/
For the first part in the series—the Torah—see here: watchjerusalem.co.il/2017/11/05/web…-is-the-torah/