#186: Flummoxing the Foe
Satan resists God’s Work with all his might. Learn how to infuriate your fiercest foe.
#185: A Roman Lake
Learn the one simple way to identify where Jesus Christ is working today.
#184: Endure Hardness
We all must do this as we support God’s Work.
#183: Code of Conduct
The Imperial Academy Code of Conduct helps God’s young people focus their lives on serving God’s Work.
#182: Repurpose Your Life
General Michael Flynn visited the campus last week and held several speaking engagements. In his public lecture, he repeatedly stressed a simple solution to America in crisis: Repurpose your life.
#181: The Wrong Direction
We all start out going the wrong direction in life—until God jolts us onto the right track. What will it take for you to run in God’s direction?
#180: Deadly False Education
What is the origin of modern education? Why has it failed to solve world problems? We'll expose the rotten fruits of false education founded on the wrong foundation.
#179: Pace the Push
We all want to stay active and productive. We push the pace—but we must also pace the push. Learn the vital importance of God’s health laws to His Work.
#178: Dynamically Alive
God needs supporters of His Work who are dynamically alive! Learn how to be the opposite of the Sardis era of God’s Church, which was spiritually dead.
#177: The Hidden Utopia
Utopia is already here on Earth. Soon, the whole world will see it.