#75: God's Prophecies For The Last Days
God revealed what the last days would be like and showed that many of His prophecies would not be understood until these last days.
#74: The Missing Dimension in Bible Prophecy
Do you know what the missing dimension in Bible prophecy is?
#73: Seven Keys to Bible Study
Here are seven keys that will unlock your Bible!
#72: Methods For Studying the Bible
Bible study is so important to us because it affords a fascinating opportunity to enrich our lives. It will improve and enhance the quality and value of our lives.
#71: Benefits of Bible Study
God speaks to us through His Word. As the evils in this world abound and proliferate, we need more than ever to be taught, encouraged, directed and corrected by our loving Father.
#70: Why the Bible Is Misunderstood
Though inspired by God, the Bible is the most misunderstood book in history—the most twisted, distorted, misrepresented, maligned and lied about. Why?
#69: Archaeology and Science Back Up the Bible
The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge. Recent archaeological finds and scientific discoveries prove the Bible true.
#68: The New Testament Completes the Bible
The apostles were used to “bind up” or close up the testimony of Jesus Christ and complete the Bible!
#67: We Need to Live by the Old and New Testament
If we are to really understand the Bible, we need to live by every word of it—both the Old and the New Testament.
#66: How God Speaks Today
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord…”