#65: Is God's Plan Fair?
During the Millennium, God will bestow upon obedient Israel great material and spiritual blessings. And the whole world will be blessed!
#64: Why Is Physical Life Temporary?
As mortal beings, made of the dust of the ground, humans are destined to die. Only by receiving God’s Spirit can a person hope to live forever.
#63: Preparing to Marry Christ
Christ’s Bride in the Millennium will forever be loyal and submissively obedient to her Husband.
#62: Live Your Life Free of Fear
The Feast of Tabernacles was given that we might learn to fear God always (Deuteronomy 14:23). People will fear to disobey God, a right kind of fear that most people do not have in today’s world.
#61: How to Have Lasting Joy
God intends for everyone—regardless of age, social class or economic level—to rejoice.
#60: Jesus Christ Kept the Feast and So Should We
Jesus kept the Feast of Tabernacles, boldly setting us an example that we should do likewise.
#59: Pay Attention to God’s Details
Many in ancient Israel refused to keep the Feast of Tabernacles on the days God ordained, eventually failing to keep it altogether. The details of God's instructions are vital!
#58: Don’t Take God’s Holy Days for Granted
God’s seven annual festivals picture the steps in God’s master plan of salvation for all mankind.
#57: Qualifying to Be a King
Christ had to qualify to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God's people have to qualify as well.
#56: River of Living Waters
Physical and spiritual healing will flow from God's temple in Jerusalem.