Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

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Show Notes

More and more European military forces are being integrated into the army of Germany. For students of history this is an alarming development, but it is rapidly happening.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia had a busy week of pushing and provoking the Trump Administration. It’s happening in a way that presents a serious challenge and test to Mr. Trump.

Israel and Palestine: For the last few decades, American policy has favored finding a two-state solution to this long simmering issue. But suddenly, Mr. Trump has said a one-state solution may be best after all.

Reports this week show that America’s economic freedom is precipitously plummeting! We used to rank among the freest economies on the planet, but those days are over.

We also discuss how America is pushing Germany to consolidate and control Europe’s military power, a worrying political decision in Iran, some “game changing” weapons developments in China, and the rising Murder Rate in American cities.