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Show Notes
- European nations recently made a very public agreement to begin to unifying their militaries into a single European army. But an underreported story is all of the work Germany is doing quietly on its own to create such an army.
- Russia is scheduled to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup this summer. A look at history shows how Russia has used high-profile sporting events like this to further its geopolitical ambitions.
- Families in America are 66 percent bigger than they used to be. Why? Because of divorce. More and more people have step-parents, step-children and other step-family members. This can create complications in family life—something worth considering before getting involved in them, and handling with real care and maturity once you’re in them.
- And we’ll conclude with a few words about why people today aren’t marrying as much as they used to.
- German Militarization
- “Europe’s Detailed Military Planning”
- “German Army Continues to Swallow Its Neighbors”
- “Germany Quietly Working to Unite European Militaries”
- “Why the Trumpet Watches Europe’s Push Toward a Unified Military”
- “The Remarkable Identity of the German People”
- Russian Game-Playing
- Effects of Divorce