Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#364: Trumpet Hour: Brave New World (Made in China)

Aired Wednesday, January 2, 2019   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   41 minutes
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Major infrastructure projects seem to be underway all around the globe. The common factor in all of them is that they’re parts of an initiative by one nation: China. They are all components of China’s globe-girdling Belt and Road Initiative. This means they all have one overarching and underpinning purpose: to give China dominance over world trade. "The Belt and Road Initiative simply blows out of the water anything else that’s been attempted in human history,” said William F. Laurence, research professor at James Cook University in Australia, in a recent interview with Nexus Media. “It’ll affect every facet of human endeavor, in one way or another.” More and more analysts are coming to see the history-alerting implications of the Belt and Road Initiative. But there is something far more momentous about China’s moves toward dominating global trade that few recognize: It was prophesied in Bible scriptures written thousands of years ago. And now these prophecies are being fulfilled.
