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Show Notes
- Why is it important watch the news? With so much going on in the world and so many news sources to follow, it can be an overwhelming challenge. But it is worth the effort.
- Some stunning revelations have come out about the staff of the man emerging as the Democratic Party frontrunner, Bernie Sanders. Some of his full-time staffers and supporters have truly revolutionary ideals that could prove extremely dangerous.
- The Trumpet’s executive editor and host of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry, also has a book club. And he makes it available for you. We talk to his assistant about the benefits of the club, what they’re studying now, and how to join.
- And we answer a crucial question directly from your Bible: Do sinners go to hell?
Watch the NewsAmerica Under Attack“Who Was Antiochus Epiphanes?”
Revolutionary Democrats“Bernie Sanders Staffer Calls for Violent Revolution”
Book Club “Book Club: Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years”
Do Sinners Go to Hell?“Do Sinners Go to Hell?”