Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#652: The Fall of the English-Speaking World

Aired Wednesday, December 15, 2021   ·   08:00 AM CST   ·   58 minutes
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Show Notes

  • One of the most important and dramatic trends in the world today is the fall of the English-speaking world. The age of American and British dominance has lasted for over 200 years, but that is rapidly ending.
  • Today we look at what ties these nations together, along with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We discuss their shared history and how their rise and fall highlights God’s hand in world events in a powerful way.
  • We look particularly at Britain and how recent decades have fulfilled the Bible’s prophecies about this nation—why it lost the greatest empire in world history and what is happening in recent months to bring Britain down.
  • We then look at Canada and see some of the seeds planted in its formation as a nation that have contributed to its present-day weakening—again, exactly as God prophesied would happen.
