Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#910: Week in Review: Attempted Assassination and More Militarization

Aired Friday, July 19, 2024   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   54 minutes
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Show Notes

God Decides Who Survives Assassination Attempts
Donald Trump was almost assassinated last Saturday night at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service wasn't protecting him, but God was. U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon also dismissed Special Counsel Jack Smith's criminal trial against Trump this week.“
Ready for War
God Isn't Finished With Trump
Why Is God Protecting Donald Trump?
America Under Attack

Europe Fears Trump's VP J.D. Vance
Donald Trump's new running mate, J.D. Vance, is putting Europe on alert. Vance believes America should send less aid to Europe, boosting calls from the Continent to militarize on its own.

Russia Is Building a New Space-Based Nuclear Weapon
Xi Jingping may have had a stroke this past week, which raises the question, What would happen if he wasn't around anymore? And Russia threatened the world with nuclear war again; it announced it is developing a new space-based nuclear weapon with indiscriminate destruction capabilities.
Isaiah's End-Time Vision

Bad News for Netanyahu
The Houthis conducted a drone attack today on Tel Aviv, Israel. Meanwhile, Israel is finally drafting Orthodox Jews into the military, which spells bad news for Netanyahu.