Trumpet Hour

Hosted by Philip Nice and Jeremiah Jacques

Trumpet Hour is the voice of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Join the discussion as Trumpet staff members compare recent news to Bible prophecy.

#30: The Inspiring Truth About Queen Elizabeth, Europe’s Refugee Crisis, and the EPA’s Power Grab

Aired Wednesday, September 9, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   53 minutes

#29: Trumpet Hour Week in Review: Europe’s Immigration Crisis

Aired Friday, September 4, 2015   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   54 minutes

#28: Murder and Violence Increasing in America

Aired Wednesday, September 2, 2015   ·   06:00 AM CDT   ·   48 minutes

#27: Week in Review: The Rise of Nationalism

Aired Friday, August 28, 2015   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   52 minutes

#26: Trumpet Hour: Fear in Global Markets, the Europe of the Bible Takes Shape, Live by Every Word and More

Aired Wednesday, August 26, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   55 minutes

In this Trumpet Hour, global markets are panicking—the volatility index is off the charts—investors are jittery—yet economists are telling us not to worry. How much trust can you put in them?
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong made dramatic forecasts about EUROPE—forecasts that are coming true before our eyes. A new policy paper by a European think tank shows even more of those forecasts will be coming true.
Do you want to clear up some misunderstandings and get to know the Bible better? Then you’re going to enjoy a new program about to start on this radio station—we’ll talk to its host. Also, why you need to literally stick together with your mate.

#25: Europe Besieged by Immigrants, Poland Turns Pro-Germany, and More

Aired Friday, August 21, 2015   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   54 minutes

Asylum seekers and immigrants are overrunning Europe, putting pressure on European countries economically, culturally and politically. Trumpet Hour discusses why this is such a major story.

Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, took office two weeks ago. He’s moving this Eastern European nation to an anti-Russian, pro-German stance, which will have significant impact on Europe.

Next, Syrian immigrants are flooding Lebanon making this tiny nation vulnerable to incursion from the Islamic State. What might this mean for this strategically important nation? Trumpet writers give you the answer.

Finally, the Trumpet Hour discusses the currency war the world is waging and how it points back to disturbing history and threatens world war. All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

#24: U.S. Military Base Under Threat, the War on Manmade Climate Change, Dodo Birds and More

Aired Wednesday, August 19, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   57 minutes

#23: China’s Troubled Economy, Ukraine Crisis Flaring Up, Will Clean Energy Save You Money, and Much More

Aired Friday, August 14, 2015   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   58 minutes

This week Trumpet Hour covers all the big news. First, China’s economy is in trouble. The Asian nation devalued its currency by 3.6 percent, sending shockwaves through the global financial system. Why are economists so concerned?

Also, the Ukraine crisis is heating up—some observers think Russia could be ready to launch a war.

Next, Trumpet writers discuss a policy paper by a European think tank, giving some insight into how Europe seeks to address global crises from dangers in Asia, threats in the Middle East, and a weakening U.S.

Following that, is insight given by an Iranian general. He revealed that when the U.S. threatens to take military action, Iran’s military officials share a big laugh.

Next, the Trumpet Hour gets the facts in a new statement from President Obama. The president claims new clean energy regulations will save you money. Find out if it’s true.

Finally, what does Trumpet make of Donald Trump’s popularity at the polls? Listen to find out! All this and more on Trumpet Hour.

#22: Ferguson Protesters ‘Ready for War,’ Adults Living With Parents, Goliath’s Hometown Found, and More

Aired Wednesday, August 12, 2015   ·   08:00 AM CDT   ·   56 minutes

“We’re ready for war!” That’s what protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, said this week on the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown. Trumpet Hour discusses how race problems in America are only getting worse.

Next Trumpet Hour revisits adults living with their parents. A “failure to launch” results in more and more adults in their 20s and 30s still at home. Is this just a bad economy or is something else at work?

A new archaeological discovery in the Middle East brings some ancient history to life—that of the epic struggle between ancient Israel and the Philistines! Listen to find more details about this exciting find.

Trumpet Hour also answers questions from listeners and ends with some great advice from one of history’s wisest men on how to handle haters. All this and more on the Trumpet Hour.

#21: Are the Feds Taking Over Policing in Baltimore? Iran Already Sanitizing Nuclear Site, and More

Aired Friday, August 7, 2015   ·   04:00 PM CDT   ·   49 minutes